2022/Special Issue
TAMÁS SULYOK, President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary: Foreword
PAVEL RYCHETSKÝ, President of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic: Foreign constitutional Courts in the case law – The Czech experience
ANDRÉ ALEN, Président émérite, Cour constitutionnelle belge; professeur émérite, KU Leuven and KOEN MUYLLE, Conseiller d’Etat belge; référendaire honoraire à la Cour constitutionnelle belge: Du (non-)usage de précédents étrangers par la cour constitutionnelle belge
VESNA BOŽIČ ŠTAJNPIHLER, Head of Department, Analysis and International Cooperation Department, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia: References to Foreign Case Law in Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia
NORBERT TRIBL, counsel, senior lecturer; Constitutional Court of Hungary, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Szeged: Foreign Case Law in Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
Contribution of Federal Constitutional Court, Germany: Study on the ways the Federal Constitutional Court cites decisions of foreign constitutional courts in its case-law (especially in decisions)
RAYNA GEORGIEVA, chief legal expert, Constitutional Court of Republic of Bulgaria: Methods of quoting the decisions of “foreign constitutional courts” in the case-law of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria